Increase in the number of applicants to NTNU

23,981 applicants have NTNU as their first choice for higher education in 2023. NTNU therefore keeps the position as the country´s most sought-after university. The number of applicants increases by 1.9 percent compared to last year.

Portrait of Marit Reitan
Pro-Rector for education, Marit Reitan. Photo: Rolf Ivar Svensli/NTNU

NTNU thus received a larger increase by percentage than the national average of 0.7 percent. Nationwide, a total of 135,980 have applied for higher education in 2023. This is an increase of just over 1,000 from last year.

– It is gratifying that we see an increase in the number of applicants, and we expect to have well-qualified applicants for the main part of our studies, says Pro-Rector for education, Marit Reitan.

After very high numbers of applicants during the pandemic, the numbers of applicants both to NTNU and on a national level are going up again, after a decline in applications in 2022.

Increase within the technology area

Several studies are experiencing great interest from applicants. In the technology area, the number of applicants to NTNU increases by 4.9 percent.

– It is very positive that we have an increase in applicants for the technology area. This area is central to facilitate a necessary sustainable restructuring of society, Reitan says.

Reitan particularly highlights the large increase in applicants to the area of information technology and civil engineering studies. This also applies within Communication Technology and Digital Security in addition to Engineering Science and ICT. The new civil engineering studies Georesources, Engineering Geologist and Machine and Energy Technology also have a positive number of applicants.

Industrial Economics and Technology Management is also this year the most applied for study.

Fewer wants to be teachers

The picture is different when it comes to teacher education. The fall in application numbers continues this year. Nationwide by 21.8 percent. At NTNU the decrease is 17.1 percent. There is a decline in both primary school education and the five-year teacher education programs.

Reitan makes no secret of the fact that this is a serious for the future recruitment of teachers in Norway.

– It is very worrying that we have a significant decline in applicants for the teacher training programs. This is first and foremost a nationwide problem, but it also affects NTNU to a large extent. The number of applicants are low both for the five-year teacher education programs and the primary teacher education programs. We still have many qualified applicants. Unfortunately, it looks like we do not have enough to occupy available places for all programs, Reitan says.

Smaller decline for health subjects

There is also a decrease in applicants for the health subjects. Nationwide by 7.5 percent, and at NTNU just over a percent less. At NTNU, this is mainly due to a decrease in applicants to medical studies.

– We are concerned about the decline in applicants for health subjects. Still, we mainly expect to fill the places at NTNU. It is nevertheless pleasing that the Nursing study still is the third most popular at NTNU, says Reitan.

Increase in Social sciences and Humanities

Within the social sciences, NTNU has an increase in the number of applicants bigger than the national average. The biggest increase by percentage in this area is within bachelor´s studies in Sociology, Political Science and Psychology.

– It is gratifying, and against what we see in the national trend that we at NTNU are registering an increase in applicants within aesthetic subjects, history and language, Reitan says.

The ten most applied for entry level studies at NTNU in 2023:

Industrial Economics and Technology Management
Business Administration, bachelor, Trondheim991
Nursing, Trondheim852
Medicine, Trondheim795
Psychology, program of professional study781
Physiotherapy 548
Business Administration, bachelor, Gjøvik472
Computer Science, master, Trondheim437
Psychology, bachelor, Trondheim436
Business administration, integrated master, Trondheim429