Science politics and university sector funding

The next step in your academic career will depend on more than just your individual achievements. Science politics and university sector funding will affect your ability to build a successful academic career.

Illustrasjonsbilde: Tre ansikter montert inn i et grafisk mønster.
Illustration: Kolbjørn Skarpnes. Photo: Geir Mogen / NTNU

Get more insight in this through Science Conversations @NTNU

Thursday 4 May 2023 at 12:00–12:45

The panelists will discuss:
• What influence do you as a researcher have on science politics?
• How do you find your way in the jungle of project funding?
• What kind of tools and support are available?
• How to handle the potential setbacks if your grant application isn’t funded?

Portrait photos of four persons.

This webinar look at the journey from being an early-career researcher with a new PhD to becoming an established academic.

Read more about the webinar and registerer to join
The Zoom link will be sent to your email address.

The webinar will be available on the Science Conversations website afterwards, where you also can watch previous webinars.

Address any topics or questions for the webinar?

If there are specific topics or questions you would like to have addressed, you are welcome to send in this until 24 hours before the webinar starts.

Send us your topics and questions here

Contact person:  Janne Østvang, Senior Adviser, Pro-Rector for Research and Dissemination.