Blog Home of the Northernmost magic My first expedition to Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, was about observing, absorbing, and participating in big data collection in action. The trip was months delayed due to the pandemic. And it was absolutely magic. Blog How tiny zooplankton can help us understand trust in Big Ocean Data The zooplankton Calanus finmarchicus will be the starting point for the André Hoffmann Fellow Kate Crosman’s work to understand trust in Big Ocean Data. How? Read on. Blog Moving to Trondheim to work with Big Ocean Data I am Kate Crosman, a social scientist from the U.S., with expertise in complex governance of oceans and coasts. For the next three years, I´ll be living in Norway, working on the overall theme of “trustworthiness and trust in big data for oceans,” through an André Hoffmann Fellowship in Big Ocean Data.