Live Oftedahl

Live Oftedahl is Senior Executive Officer Communication at Department of Marine Technology

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Written by Live Oftedahl

Rabea Rogge, stipendiat ved AUR-Lab, gestikulerer.

NTNU’s laboratory for subsea robots celebrates 15 years of operation

AUR-Lab was established in 2009 with an underwater robot and facilities at the Trondhjem Biological Station (TBS). Fifteen years later, it has become one of the most active laboratories at NTNU, housing nearly 20 different underwater robots and several surface vessels.

Dr. Christine Angelini, Director for the Center for Coastal Solutions (L) and Dr. Asgeir J Sørensen, Professor and leader of the Vista CAROS, NTNU (R)

Joining forces to map and monitor the ocean pulse

NTNU and The University of Florida Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to leverage their collective scientific expertise and technology platforms to map and monitor the world’s oceans, lakes and waterways.

Forskere på isen foran isbryteren Kronprins Haakon i den nordlige delen av Barentshavet. Foto: Christian Morel

The past and future of the Arctic Ocean are on the agenda at a major research conference this week

The large Norwegian research project “The Nansen Legacy” has studied climate and ecosystem changes in the northern Barents Sea for seven years. Now, the project is soon coming to a close.

Slangeroboten Eelume ved en dokkingstasjon under vann

Guarding the ocean: Autonomy research aims to make robots patrol the ocean

The intentional damage of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines and Finland’s pipeline Balticconnector recently in the Baltic Sea highlights that we are in a new geopolitical situation. How do researchers respond to the new risk picture?


NTNUs first research satellite on the first mission in the Arctic

The small satellite HYPSO-1, built by more than 80 students and researchers at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics and the Department of Electronic Systems –  and other departments, has participated in several research missions already.


Norway’s first university research satellite in orbit around the earth

NTNU’s first research satellite was launched from Florida at 16:25 Norwegian time this afternoon. The small satellite «HYPSO-1»’s mission is to observe algal blooms in ocean and lakes.